Bed Bugs

About Bed Bugs
Learning about bed bugs is important because they are blood-feeding insects that can be introduced into any of our Ohio homes at any time of the year! Bed bugs hang out where we do because our blood is their preferred food source, and like most living creatures, they want to have easy access to food. Any structure that people live or spend a lot of time in can be the place bed bugs call home. Public areas are where people commonly come into contact with bed bugs and then unintentionally introduce them into their homes. Hotels, airports, hospitals, movie theaters, and dormitories are examples of places where people are most likely to have a run-in with bed bugs.
Unlike outdoor pests that have seasons when they are most active, bed bugs live indoors with people and therefore don't have an "active season." However, most professionals agree that bed bug infestations are highest during the summer and fall when people travel the most. The more people moving around, the more chance bed bugs will have to hitchhike into new homes and businesses. After coming into contact with bed bugs and moving them into your home, they quickly establish themselves and find hideouts close to their sleeping hosts. In homes, bed bugs like to hide in the seams of mattresses, upholstered furniture, inside electrical outlets, and under piles of clutter or dirty laundry. Closely examining potential hideouts in your home can help you spot a bed bug infestation before they take over!
Use the following tips to help prevent bed bugs from moving into your house and taking it over.
Be proactive and regularly vacuum floors and upholstered furniture to remove stray bed bugs.
Wash your family's sheets often.
Use bed bug-proof mattress protectors to eliminate one of the bed bug's favorite hideouts.
When in public spaces, keep your belongings up off the ground and away from other people's things.
Carefully inspect secondhand items for bed bugs before bringing them into your home.
If possible, never purchase secondhand mattresses for your home.
Reach out to us today to learn more about our effective bed bug control services in Cincinnati, OH.